Calvary Students

Grade 7 - 12

Explore the ministry opportunities for students at Calvary Church.

Student Ministry at Calvary Church

Calvary Students offers a fun and casual environment for teens to encounter and experience God in every stage and season of their life.

Calvary Students
Calvary Students

Our mission is to lead students in 7th-12th grade into an overflowing life with Jesus so they can leave a legacy of faith in their homes, their schools, and in their communities. We want our teens to develop a lifelong faith! During our time together, we play games, have food and fellowship, worship together, pray together, hear from Gods Word, and give teens an opportunity to discuss what they’re learning about God and what He’s doing in them. We have an awesome team of adults who serve with our youth every week, mentor them in the faith, and have fun building relationships!

Our teens are also given the opportunity to exercise their faith muscles through serving. This could be serving as a team member in Calvary Kids, going on a missions trip, serving on a team at a church-wide event, serving on the tech, worship, or hospitality teams in Legacy, or a countless number of other opportunities.

Lastly, our teens are given the chance to take a few trips a year to get away from the noise of everyday life and hear from God. In the winter we attend a weekend long Winter Retreat, in the spring we attend District Youth Convention, and in the summer we attend a week long Youth Camp. Additionally, one day trips are offered on occasion. We look forward to having you join us at Calvary Students!

Meeting Schedule


6:00pm - 8:00pm


Family Center

Teen Groups

Groups for students grades 7-12!
Royal Rangers & Girls Ministries


We have many channels of communication including Facebook, Instagram, the Church Center app, and you can also opt-in to Remind texts if you provide your phone number. Our primary mode of communication for all events is through the Church Center app, all the details for all our events are on the events page.

Join our Mailing List

Once a month parents will receive an email with all the relevant information for that month, a parent resource, and a brief overview of our teaching series. To join the email list, email Rosemary below.

Email Rosemary
Meet our Youth Pastor
Meet our Youth Pastor
Rosemary Hook


She became part of our youth leadership team in the summer of 2020 and became our Youth Pastor in 2024. Rosemary and the rest of our Calvary Students Team are available each week at our youth service with an action packed experience.